Friday, September 24, 2010

forensic science magazine's cover

Larimar Santana                                                                                    09/21/10
Ms. Weigand                                                                                      Period - 5

Magazine Cover Design Reflection

    The assignment for this class was to create/design a magazine cover using the Mac computers. I was told to stay focus in class and be self-motivated for this project. Before I started creating this magazine cover we had to take notes, listen to the different ways of using “the magic wound”. I had to see the different presentation of the teacher in class so that I could understand how to properly start my magazine. I did different exercises like: when I had to find a topic where I could relate to, so that in my magazine the readers will see my interests.

         My magazine cover had a background of the woods (its maybe fall and the background is brown). There is a dead body upside down not giving the gender of the person or the reason or death. There is a white teddy bear that seems to be dirt. There are big drops of blood. Also there is a magnifier on the left bottom side of the cover. I’m standing on the right side of it, and in front of me is a crime scene caution tape. I can describe this magazine by saying that it’s about a detective/forensic who is investigation the murder of a unknown victim, and that this crime wasn’t too long ago and the criminal didn’t want others to find out yet, for it was on the woods.

         In my magazine I was trying to communicate to the readers information about forensic. There are people who get attracted by investigations, and anything that has to do with fiction and interesting topics. The layouts are support of the meaning of this magazine, which is the information probated to the readers about forensic science; what does it do, how it works, and what involves. A murder on the woods calls the attention to many young adult and adult readers. The props left on the crime scene like the little dirty teddy bear tell that there is a kid involve in this murder!
         Looking at my rubric I feel that this project was really successful. Though I changed my magazine like three times I end up with the perfect magazine. I believe that I did a great job because I used a lot of the things from the tool bar. I try my best on this project and if I get to do this project again I will work on improving my imagination more.

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